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 FUT ( Follicular Unit Transplant) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) ?

The major difference between the two is the method of extracting or harvesting donor hair.


In FUE, the follicular unit grafts are  extracted  one by one with a round tiny punch. There will be a large number of very small dot scars. It is not scarless. It is the best option for patient who favour very short hairstyles. It most often requires patient to shave scalp hair totally for the procedure.


FUT consists in removing a strip from donor area and cutting it into follicular units under microscope. It is a very good option for patient not wanting to shave their hair or wearing their hair not very short (at least half an inch long).


In both cases, (FUE and FUT) the transplant grafts are then meticulously placed, one by one, into the recipient area.

The arrangement and positioning of these follicular unit grafts determines the aesthetic qualities of a hair transplant, and so this arrangement must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the patients’ actual and future hair loss pattern, goal and expectation.



By far the most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia, also referred to as “male pattern baldness. It is caused by the effects of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on genetically susceptible scalp hair follicles.


Men can benefit from FUE or FUE, according to their hair loss pattern and hair styling .

Dr Cahuzac will check and explain which procedure will give best result in each individual situation.

Photo gallery men
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Dr Cahuzac - Specialist in FUE - FUT - Micro hair transplant  male patients
34 yrs old
After one session
 865 FU
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - Dr Cahuzac - Specialist in FUE - FUT - Micro hair transplant | male patients
28 yrs old
 Dr Cahuzac - Specialist in FUE - FUT - Micro hair transplant | male patients
After one session
 1 450 FU
 Dr Cahuzac - Specialist in FUE - FUT - Micro hair transplant | Male patients
37 yrs old
two sessions, one year apart, 
945 and 1090 FU
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients masculins
31 yrs old
one session 1130 FU
forehead area
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients masculins
18 yrs old
bike accident SCAR
800 hair transplant


Hair loss is relatively common in women with about 30% experiencing at least some degree of thinning in their lifetime. However, because female hair loss tends to be diffuse (less hair all over) and because women often maintain their frontal hairline, their hair loss may not be noticeable, particularly in its early stages.

The psychological effects of hair loss can be significant for women and many are emotionally affected, even with modest amounts of thinning, as hair loss in women is perceived to be socially unacceptable.

 - Hair loss in women is generally very gradual. It can show seasonal variations and it is easily affected by hormonal changes ( birth control pill, menopause) medical conditions (anemia, lack of iron, thyroid disease) and external factors ( hair extension, traction alopecia).

- Hair loss must be stabilized for a few months before thinking of doing a hair transplant.


It is particularly important for any women considering a surgical solution, to have a careful physical examination to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and to determine that they have an adequate donor hair supply. Reserves at the back must be sufficient to provide good hair for the transplant.

FUE is not recommended in women, as it most often requires shaving donor area at the back of the head. It will take months before this  hair grows back.


Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is the reference method. Linear scar at the back is easily hidden by existing hair. FUT allows many women to have a completely natural hair restoration.

Photo gallery women
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients féminins
34 yrs old
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients féminins
one session 885 FU
Dr Cahuzac - Specialist in FUE - FUT - Micro hair transplant | female patients
48 yrs old

Alopecia after a face lift

one session 1100 FU
Docteur Patricia Cahuzac - micro greffe du cheveu | FUE FUT | exemples patients féminins
28 yrs old

Traction alopecia in a dancer

one session 660 FU

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